

I am a very strange kid. I am pretty sure that I am crazy. But that is okay, because at least I am aware of my insanity.

So anyways, I think about strange stuff. For example: time travel. I have always been a fan of "Back to the Future," but I am also very bugged by time travel. It is not possible. Even if you were able to go back in time, your current matter wouldn't have been at that time.

For example, if a person were to go back to the 1700's, where would his matter come from? He didn't previously exist at that time, so therefore his matter would be nothing more than fractions of energy. So would the energy he had before used disappear? or would he simple be new matter in this world? If the latter, then the laws of physics as we know them would crumble. If the former, then one person could not exist in the same time he was previously. For example, I go back to 2003 then, by following theory number 1, I would displace all the energy I previously had, therefore displacing my 2003 self. So therefore, it is a completely ridiculous notion to travel through time.

I am crazy. But whatever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you have a somewhat valid point. Because....... Read Pathfinder.