
Grades and Kellee

Well, 3rd term just ended on Friday. I don't want to sound cocky, but I wasn't worried at all. I mean, I was kind of anxious, but really, third term has been the easiest term so far. I ended with all "A"'s except a B+ in math and an A- is Biotech. I thought that was a great final grade, mostly because I didn't have to do anything, really.

So Tuesday, I found out that my science teacher, Mr. Van Dijk, forgot to enter twenty points into my grade, and that bumped my grade up to an "A." Let's just say I was pretty happy.

Today, I voted for next year's Student Council. I then checked my grades. My math teacher bumped my grade from a "B+" to an "A-." I am 99.9̅% sure I got did more to my grades during 4th term than I did all of 3rd.

Oh and Kellee Walker, too.

1 comment:

Brock said...

Hey you punk. You don't know anything.