
I am a mutant

I'm just like these guys. Kind of.
So I love X-Men. Just the best. I have yet to see First Class, which angers me. I am a mutant, so eventually I will go to Professor X's School For Gifted Children. You may say, But that makes little to no sense, how are you a mutant? Well, I'll tell you. I have plenty of gifts:

  • I can dislocate all my ball and socket joints and put them back in without too much pain.
  • I heal really fast. Second degree burn, gone in 5 days.
  • I do not get sick easily. I have an impenetrable stomach.
  • My inner ear is impervious to spinning. I am pro at spinning.
  • I have nerves of steel. Like really, I need extra Novocain at the dentist and can feel the smallest of things.
My only real weakness is that I cannot digest lactose. Dang milk.


jessie said...

i love x men too.

Anonymous said...

So nerves of steel means that you area pansy who can't handle pain and needs extra sedative when undergoing minor dental procedures?

W. R. Duclos said...

Basically. It's weird, I thought it meant something else, too.