
To Hollywood.

I am not usually one to criticize films and especially the film industry. I do not expect perfection and therefore do not get disappointed. However, there is one reoccurring flaw in many films in almost every genre. The nerdy, different kid does not get the girl. I'm not saying that he doesn't get the head cheerleader that so often snags said character's heart for the first hour of the film. I mean the girl of quality. I have inadvertently studied this scenario for my entire life and one blatant truth never fails to rear its ugly head: the movies are lying. The nerdy guy doesn't get the girl in the beginning or even the girl in the end. What he gets is the friendship card stapled to his forehead.
Hollywood, I love you. I see your cinematographic splendor and your directing genius and I want nothing more to study you for days on end. If a veteran told you the war scenarios in your film were off, you'd listen because he is a professional. Well, this professional is saying that you guys really need to do some more research.
—W.R. Duclos

I don't need any comfort in the comments, I just needed to vent.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If girls had any sense, they would go for nerdy guys. Nerdy guys sign paychecks. Whaaaat?