
I'm so lucky

I met this girl. She is amazing. She is just like me in the right ways. It was a fluke that we met but it was definitely not a coincidence. The only problem is thirty five days. Why? Why do I find a girl who is what I've always wanted during the one time in my life where I am not looking for her? It's just my luck, really. Now, it'd be perfect if she didn't like me. Then yeah, I'd like her but that's no big deal. But nope, she likes me. A lot. To the point that I think she needs therapy because no one in their right mind likes Wyatt Duclos that much. So yeah, here I am, stuck in the most depressing situation of my life: finding a perfect girl when I can't think about her for two years. Just call me Bad Luck Wyatt.

Plus kissing isn't bad. Like, pretty much the opposite. 

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