
Where in the world

Is Wyatt San Diego? Ha, if you aren't older than me, you probably won't get that. Anyway, I am going to get called to serve Him somewhere in the world. And honestly, I have no idea where I will be going.  But because everyone (and I mean everyone) has asked me where I want to go (or where I think I'll go), I am going to write a list of a few places that get my mind racing.

Ireland. Really, I love the Irish culture. Plus, my a favorite movie of mine, War of the Buttons, takes place there. And that is also combined with Scotland. I wish I was one of those cultures 89% of the time.

China. Seriously, wouldn't it be cool if I was the very first missionary called to mainland China? I mean seriously, someone has to be the first. It would just kill me.

Russia. Because I talk Russian accent good. I guess that would be a bad situation.

Norway. Because, I mean really. Someone who wouldn't like that wouldn't like the Celestial Kingdom.

Ghana. Africa rocks. Plus, Cameron Tribe is there and going on a mission with him would rock.

Armenia. Really, it would be great.

Poland. Because Bean is from there.

Iceland. Sigur Ros.

England. It'd be awesome.

New York City. Because I love the temple there.

Chicago. Because I am the sausage king there. Actually not there because I would be too tempted to fake sick and reenact Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

North Dakota. Because apparently that's a boring place? I would rock it.

I would prefer to go foreign and not to Canada because my father would basically live with me if I did.

I am going to be going on a mission, but I really don't care too much where. I would like to hear your guesses. Based on my personality, my abilities, and your intuition. Where do you think Wyatt Russell Duclos, psychic detective Avatar Browncoat CONTROL agent Hobbit Sausage King of Chicago time-traveling skateboarder Jedi Master Clark Kent Dragon Warrior superhero pretty cool guy, will go on his mission?

Also, it's a little ridiculous that I am basing where I want to go off of popular culture, for the most part.


Unknown said...

North Dakota IS extremely boring. But my best friend's dad served there and that is where he met his wife. so, hey.
You're the type of man I could see doing well in literally any area ever. Chile.

Karie said...

Japan! And I agree with Emilee, you'll be fabulous wherever you serve. We are excited for you.